Wellness clinic

Wellness Clinic

As a low cost vaccination clinic we provide much needed veterinarian services at a low price for everyone.

Click the button below to schedule your spay/neuter, wellness or TLC appointment. Walk ins are still welcome!

Services for your dog Price
Rabies Vaccination$15
Parvo / Distemper (DA2PP) Vaccination$20
Bordetella Vaccination$15
Heartworm Test$10

Must have a negative test before purchasing heartworm prevention or Feline Leukemia vaccine.

Heartworm Prevention ( 6 month supply )Price
Up to 25 Pounds$25
25-50 Pounds$30
50+ Pounds$35

Approved for healthy dogs 12 months and older
A negative heartworm test that is current within 30 days is required.

ProHeart (Includes PH12, Doxycycline, Prednisone, Benadryl injection, and application of Vectra.)

Weight in Pounds — Cost w/o Bloodwork —– Cost w/ Bloodwork

5.5 $50 $115
7 $55 $120
9 $60 $125
11 $65 $130
13 $70 $135
15 $75 $140
17 $80 $145
19 $85 $150
21 $90 $155
22 $95 $160
24 $100 $165
26 $110 $175
28 $115 $180
30 $120 $185
33 $125 $190
35 $135 $200
37 $140 $205
39 $145 $210
41 $150 $215
44 $155 $220
46 $160 $225
47 $165 $230
49 $175 $240
51 $180 $245
55 $185 $250
57 $190 $255
59 $195 $260
61 $200 $265
63 $210 $275

66 $215 $280
68 $220 $285
70 $225 $290
72 $230 $295
74 $235 $300
77 $240 $305
79 $245 $310
81 $250 $315
83 $260 $325
85 $280 $345
88 $300 $365
90 $310 $375
92 $325 $390
94 $350 $415
96 $355 $420
99 $360 $425
101 $375 $440
103 $400 $465
105 $405 $470
107 $410 $475
110 $415 $480

Dog Flea / Tick Prevention ( All Sizes )Price
3 Month ( Bravecto )$70
1 Month ( Bravecto )$30

Must have a negative test before purchasing heartworm prevention or Feline Leukemia vaccine.

Cat PricingPrice
Rabies Vaccination$15
Feline / Distemper (FVRCP) Vaccination$15
Feline Leukemia Test$25
Feline Leukemia Vaccination$30

Cat Flea / Tick Prevention ( All Sizes )Price
MilbeGuard Single Dose, 6 Pack & 12 Pack$7, $35, $60
1 Month Advantage Multi$21
6 Month Advantage Multi$125